Anomaly Disclosure including Archons

Archons fell via their experiments and over exposure with the Anomaly turning them evil.


  • "a dark, poisonous substance with the ability to transform, infect and sometimes kill any life form or object it comes in contact with. It is considered severely unstable, and the opposite of light eco "- jakanddaxter/Dark_Eco 

 In the first game from this Jak & Daxter Series, the enemy(Archon) wants to collect "Precursor " technology to use with the Anomaly("Dark Eco") for total control.Think "Anti-Life Equation" that Darkseid wants in Justice League/DC Comics.

  • The Central race is synonymous with terms people use such as Wingmakers, Precursors,Ancient Builder Race, Guardians among others.

The Archon's are the The Fallen Archangels:


 One aspect of the anomaly were micro black holes which is shown at the end of example C below(Pope pic) and expanded intel in this link:

 Its interesting to note that the same movie from the example above has the connected details:

[From the Movie the Fallen was in-Transformers 2]


[2nd half of video above had to have been recorded before ancient aliens,yet sounds exactly like it]

Actor Shia was in a movie twice with Cubes & Archons:

  • (The Cube is a quantum central control program running the matrix and created by the Archons which was also mentioned in the quoted link form the Transformers 2 movie above via the "Allspark".)


  Anomaly & Archons:



 Jak & Daxter


Misty Island // Dark Eco ( Certain aspects of anomaly is fog like)


 Ratchet & Clank(Elongated Skull)




Later in the movie Fry becomes Pope, attached to the lurker:

One aspect of the anomaly(source of duality) was anomaly based black holes (cleared).


Green Lantern 2011 Movie

Parallax= Fallen Archangel(Archon into the plasma plane) specifically the Yaldabaoth(a plasma being- cleared) that Archons worshiped, aside from the lurker(not cleared yet, totally different type of being on the sub quantum.).

Anomaly via Yellow energy of Fear

Eloganted Archon skull character via Hector Hammond:

Key elements:

-Aliens in context as well as Et cover component plus all seeing eye at the start

-Red hair character discussing alien based "common ancestry".





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