The Anomaly in The Law of One


1) Intel is provided for educational purposes for the highest good of humanity and our liberation centered on a key topic, then relevant and true data points matching from various avenues/methods/sources are gathered to support the critical subject in discussion.

2) Law of one is four decades old intel released into cosmic quarantine and veiled matrix earth. Many things were classified back then among other limitations at that time period.

3) The Light forces do not fully support the messages in the law of one and the source of the law of one states there are distortions in the deliverance of that material as well.

  • "I cannot comment on that channeled material because neither I nor the Light  Forces can completely agree with what is written there."-Cobra Interview Quote

4) Ultimately it is a source material to transcend(and/or use as a bridge to greater understanding for certain sub-collectives when it can be.) better is available for some time now, in 2012 we reached a key point in overall progress of removal of dark forces (including liberating all SSP factions except those directly tied to the Chimera.Not long after that is when those SSP factions/alliance started having meetings with the galactic central race.) that an open pure transfer of (not perfect but critical) intel could happen through the resistance then Cobra's blog and into the awareness of the population being liberated so they can be informed and make more optimal decisions as a result of beyond the veil status reports about our situation.(Cobra Map)

The Post

The Dark forces problem is dealing with random energy

  • (For 7:15, reading letter F below may be of interest.)

Start at 26-31st second mark -(Desktop version recommended)

"As a planet we're dealing with layers of Anomaly"

  • Old Cobra Quote – "This is one of the basic factors(Anomaly) that people are in complete denial of. This is the one of the most denied aspects of human existence."

The Law of One also discusses the Galactic Central Sun(which clears the Anomaly):



Cobra Interview Clip:


Cobra Posts:


May 22, 2013

"The Archons are still using their etheric and astral HAARP scalar electromagnetic field technology to keep maintaining the so-called primary anomaly. Primary anomaly is a random wave function, a distortion of Calabi-Yau manifolds, a field of micro black holes, a convoluted field of quantum fluctuations, a semi-conscious field of anti-life which always tries to suppress Light by default. This was brought into existence out of pure potentiality at the creation of the Universe and is the antithesis of the One. It is the primary error in Creation and the primary cause of all suffering. All the remaining primary anomaly of the Universe is now being gathered around the surface profile of this planet, waiting to be finally transformed to allow the final liberation of our planet, which will then become the last point of Light to join the galactic union.
The non-physical Archons still use wormholes made of this distorted anomalous field to freely travel from one implant hemisphere to another. 
After the Light forces remove the non-physical electromagnetic HAARP field, the black hole singularities will be stripped naked, the micro black holes will evaporate, the Calabi-Yau manifolds will straighten themselves out and the primary anomaly will disappear forever from our Universe. This will be beginning of the end of all suffering and beginning of true healing for humanity."




March 31, 2021

"The Light forces are also rapidly clearing quantum primary anomaly around the Earth. Quantum primary anomaly is a random quantum field which is preventing Ascended beings from manifesting into the physical realm and thus preventing them directly assisting humanity. The amount of this quantum primary anomaly around Earth was simply enormous, much bigger than expected, and it encompassed the quantum timeline potential for all negative events that might happen. Most of this general anomaly has been cleared in the last two months and most negative event potentials canceled out.

Very small amount of that anomaly extends beyond lunar orbit throughout the solar system and even throughout the whole universe, as until the last planet of darkness is liberated, none of the universe can be completely free. Even one cancerous cell in an otherwise healthy body is too much, and healing needs to happen."




People's Notes from Cobra Conferences:



 "The physics of the quarantine is based  at a quantum (sub atomic) scale. 

(Cobra explained this physics in much more detail and clarity than I was able to follow and take notes of) 

 Basically the structure of the atom i.e. electrons and nucleus is changed. Inside the quantum foam, there is a shift at the sub atomic scale. With the quantum meeting the quantum random forces (anomaly?) They are able  to manifest matter preventing light from being present or entering. Since 1996 they have transported anomaly here creating it difficult for space navigation.  

The Quantum anomaly in Quantum space is gathered  and shipped to earth’s  surface. The light forces are safe in hyper space but not in regular space surrounding our planet. Many Pleiadian ships are forced to shut down which is what happened in the Roswell crash.Convoluted anomaly distorts reality. 

This is unique to earth as we can feel the quantum anomaly. Sub quantum anomaly is not known of in main stream physics. It is undetectable and exists at the smallest level. Even smaller then planks formula which in main stream physics is the smallest particle that can possibly exist. It is an unseen force distorted in space-time reality and was generated from previous cosmic cycles. The light forces are clearing more and more and there will be progress as the May 1 Portal of Light Activation brings a great amount of light and energy to the planet."




" This is how the world look like from the quantum scale. It is field of energy that is erupting potency randomly appearing out of vacuum. This is how the current physics understand Quantum Foam or Quantum Fluctuations.In that field of energy, sometimes out of that energy, something pop up and erupt,and being created out of apparent nothing.This is another interpretation about the same thing.

What the modern physics did not understand is that there is something else needed in this process.Germain physicist Max Planck created a famous equation of the quantum field.Basically, physicists worship this equation. What it says is that nothing can be faster than light. They also say nothing can smaller than planck length. But they are wrong. 

Pleiadians understand there is something smaller than planck length. And,that something smaller can not be detected directly by any mean. There is something smaller than that has effect on the quantum field. And, that affects everything,even to the universe. This “something smaller” is called sub-quantum anomaly.

Sub-quantum anomaly is basically smaller than quantum foam. Light forces have a quite advanced technology to control this quantum anomaly, which is called “Hammer of Thor”, of Mjölnir. With this, they have cleared a lot of quantum anomaly already.

But the problem is the sub-quantum anomaly, which can not be detected directly, so they cannot be cleared directly. We can only clear them indirectly. So, Light forces use the Mjolnir to clear the quantum field again and again, so the sub-quantum anomaly are cleared as well. Sub-quantum anomaly itself is not evil. It is just a random sub-quantum field that blocks the liberation process. 

It is like thick fog.Dark forces are using their technologies to accumulate these quantum and sub-quantum anomaly and use them especially after 1996. After the Archon invasion in 1996, they brought all these anomalies as much as possible toward the planet earth. So, there is a huge amount of irrational things on this planet, and we are immersed in this anomaly swamp. When Donald Trump was speaking about “Drain the Swamp”, he is very close to the truth. This “Swamp” is sub-quantum anomaly. These anomalies influence our energy field, emotion ,thoughts, and course of actions.

When enough amount of this is cleared, the light forces will pull the trigger of the Event. I will be speaking about logistics of the Event tomorrow. Now, I am speaking of physical perspectives. Enough of this anomaly (entropy) is cleared, the Event will happen because that sub-quantum anomaly is becoming like Murphy’s Law."Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." Human freewill is much involved in this process."




 "Modern quantum physics is understanding that there is random fluctuations in the quantum level. These quantum oscillation in quantum field is apparently coming from nowhere. Quantum physics understand that there is minimum possible level called“Plunk”, which is this.

Very very very tiny fluctuation beyond time/space in the physical plane is actually the basics of time/space. Modern physics understand that there is nothing smaller than this. But physicists do not know that where these oscillations are coming from.There must be the origins of the oscillations beyond space and time. This is another interpretation of the random fluctuation. This is how the quantum field looks like"




 Cobra Interview Quotes:



Cobra-No, the Source has not been outsmarted, but as I have stated, there is so much false understanding of the role of the Source in the whole process. The Source did not create darkness. Darkness was, I would say spontaneously the station of a random function which existed as a quantum potentiality and that quantum potentiality made manifest when free will beings decided to use it and exploit and explore it. (hmmm) so Evil was a result of free will interacting with that darkness.That has nothing to do with the source. The source did not have absolute power over that potentiality and that free will and within the space/time continuum so it takes time to absorb and transform that darkness and evil into light once again. The source is not all powerful and omnipotent in space/time continuum as you can see in everyday life.

Alexandra – OK.

Cobra – This is one of the basic factors that people are in complete denial of. This is the one of the highest denied aspects of human existence.




  The contrast with light/dark was never intended to exist. The dark was not  intentionally created. It was the result of the contingency random function that was  created out of the void. When the dark forces are removed there will be no more need  for darkness to exist. The contrast that will continue It will not be a polarity  contrast between light and dark. It will be a natural contrast between different  life experiences, which will be more or less of a positive nature




 a random function which doesn’t have a  meaning. Wild fluctuation on the quantum level.




 Rob – OK. you mentioned a few time that the universe was created as a result of dynamic tension between two opposing forces. Can you talk a little more about this.

COBRA – One is the force of one, some call it the source, some call it God or Goddess. There are many names for this. The other source is the is the random quantum function. The universe was created as a result of the interaction of those two forces. Darkness was not created. It just came into being by itself. This is the reason it is so hard to understand darkness because it does not have any meaning. Suffering does not have any meaning. Actions by the cabal do not have any meaning because they are not originating from higher perspective. It is simply a reaction to the under laying quantum reality which has not been integrated or absorbed into the one.



 Actually oneness is a source field. Its a consciousness field of  everything positive and it does not include a random function. It does not include  the negativity itself. The negativity itself is a logical opposite of oneness and  both are existing.We came here to liberate the planet. We saw what was happening here and we
wanted to stop it. Thats it.



 Can you talk about the information or myth that an archangel wanted toexperience physical matter was the cause of anomaly of darkness? It seems over simplified.

COBRA There is some truth in this direction. There was an archangel which actually wanted to experience that anomaly. He descended into that anomaly with very sophisticated technology and that was the birth of the dark forces.

Rob But the anomaly was already here 


creating on the physical planes any way,very challenging and difficult experiences, correct?

Cobra  The anomaly was already there but there was no intentional evil up to this point. (OK) The intentional evil was created as an interaction within consciousness and that random function, that potentiality.

Rob  OK. Was he of a particular star race?

COBRA  That archangel actually experienced many star systems and actually belonged to . . . He gathered experiences of many star systems.


 Jak & Daxter



 Can you give examples of contingency in a harmless form ?

C : Well, the weather patterns on a normal day. They are very chaotic. You can't predict them.

U : Ok. Any other in the cosmos ?

C : How the stars in the galaxy revolve around the galactic center.

U : That's linked to contingency ?

C : Also yes, the oscillation of the star patterns, they are very random it's impossible to predict them.

U : Ok. Was there harmful parts of contingency before darkness was created ?

C : Before darkness it was not harmful but it could be unpleasant.

U : Ok. So when darkness was created, did the harmful parts of contingency disappear from the rest of the universe and were concentrated in these beings ?

C : It was concentrated in a few galaxies, in this local group of galaxies, and thenit was slowly being transformed.

U : Ok. So the situation became better for the rest of the universe no ?

C : Yes.




 Rob – I agree completely. The One is everywhere and nowhere. It’s immanent and transcendent.Going to “the mighty mystery” if the One has the ability to create the universe, why isn’t it possible for him/her to solve the Chimera problem.


This is because the Chimera problem has originated from the random function, which is not logical. It is not something that can be understood. It needs to be cleared by the One, protecting it’s consciousness into the experiencing this random anomaly and through that experience, the One begins to understand begins to understand this anomaly and absorbs this into itself. This is light absorbing darkness into itself.




 The soul has been created by a dynamic interaction between the source  and a randomness, the cosmic anomaly, because the only way the source can absorb and  transform the anomaly is by experiencing itself and our source, our projections of  the one, projections of the soul of the source into this cosmic anomaly.  So it’s an  interaction of two very strong and opposing forces.


Suffering exists, not by intent, but by  the randomness of the cosmic anomaly.  It was never intended.  It exists without a  purpose.  It exists as an anomaly that has to be transformed.  It does not have any  higher purpose.  It does not educate us.  It does not make us stronger.  It does not  make us wiser.  It is there as something other than as an aberration faction that  was never intended to be.  The highest purpose of the source is to transform this so  that it can never happen again.


You’ve mentioned the, I guess what we would call evil and this negativity is caused by the random anomaly, but people were wondering, is there a planet where this evil originated from, the Orion system,or was it in other areas of other galaxies as well?

COBRA – Actually, there were a few planets of origins, the main ones being in the Orion system, but there were a few other points when this has spontaneously evolved after the beginning of the experiment.

Rob – Can you talk about how it came to be that the random anomaly caused this negativity?

COBRA – It was the choice of certain beings to experience that anomaly directly and they have developed technologies to do so, so that experience was extremely unpleasant to the point that their consciousness has been mutated beyond repair.


It is not possible to resolve the primary anomaly without direct experience,
because you cannot understand something you have not experienced.


What is the primary anomaly?

COBRA – The Primary Anomaly is continuous. It’s a random function which exists without a purpose.  It is not negative by itself, but free will interacting with primary anomaly has a strong tendency towards evil and negativity because primary anomaly was never in touch with the Source.

Rob – Why did Primary Anomaly occur in a perfectly ordered universe?

COBRA – The answer is without any reason, without any purpose.  This is the only way Primary Anomaly can exist.

Rob – OK.  That was the next question is.  What is it’s purpose? Is it simply chaos?But you say it’s no purpose.

COBRA – The Primary Anomaly does not have any purpose.  It is the logical opposite of purpose.

Rob – Thank you.  Is all of creation interacting with the Primary Anomaly or do things work differently in other dimensions and planes of the multiverse?

COBRA – The creation is always in interaction with the Primary Anomaly and actually transforming Primary Anomaly slowly.  Every conscious action in this universe does transform one aspect of the Primary Anomaly.  It’s a process that is on-going since the birth of the universe.

Rob – You have, according to this person, you have said that Primary Anomaly will be absorbed back into the one. Is that correct?

COBRA – Yes.

Rob – After that, what comes – after the absorbing?

COBRA – The one will be everything that it will ever be.  There will be no more creation needed because everything will be integrated back into the one.

Rob – OK.  In your recent creation interview you said that the Source projects itself into the Primary Anomaly and that fusion creates creation.  The question is,‘How did creation come to be when there was no Primary Anomaly?

COBRA – There was no creation before the Primary Anomaly.

Rob – OK.  That answers that one.  You also said that one’s ultimate purpose is to absorb the Primary Anomaly.  When it is absorbed, what is the purpose after that?

COBRA – The purpose after that is to exist as one in perfect joy, love and harmony


  What created the contingency?  It’s kind of a thing.  Something doesn’t come from nothing.  You talk about the absolute. The Creator was created by.  Explain to me how creation was created and what your concept of the first cause is?

COBRA – Basically, there is no first cause.  Absolute was not created, it always was, is and will be.  Contingency was not created with a purpose. It was an out burst of a random function, an anomaly and those two things are logically opposite.  They are two very strong but opposite forces, and the tensions between those two created the Universe.


This is in response to your description of the absolute, and I’m going to quote this person directly, folks. “In the Course of Miracles it is stated that this world does not exist. It is a dream or illusion of separation from source and only the absolute exists. The outburst of the random function, the anomaly was corrected immediately by the absolute when it occurred, but we think we separated ourselves from the absolute in time and space. We think we live in this universe in separate bodies because we had the thought of separation and we feel fear and guilt. We are unaware that time is over and the anomaly was corrected. The Course in Miracles teaches that we exist only in the absolute as an extension of the absolute. With God and us as his only son of the Christ principle. We are not guilty. We are innocent in perpetuity as we were created. We see this world as a result of having a split mind and the holy spirit higher self for the divine within carries the memory of the absolute and assists us to heal this split mind. A Course in Miracles was said to be channeled by Yeshua.” Cobra, can you comment on this asbeing correct or what your information is about that?

COBRA – OK. I will not completely agree with that perspective. If you look from a certain higher perspective, the world can appear to be an illusion but only because you are not identified with this lower planes of creation, but those lower planes of creation like the physical plane, astral plane, mental plane still exist, because they are a dynamic interaction between the absolute and the random function, the contingency. So it’s a matter of perspective. So the Course in Miracles just describes a certain perspective of certain beings who have reached a certain level of spiritual development, and it is just that, a perspective.


 What is the quantum probability control? 

COBRA – It is a concept which states that it is possible to control quantum random  function.  Of course it is not possible.  You can predict it to a certain degree.   You can group it with sophisticated with mathematical equation, but basically it is  impossible to completely predict or anticipate what the quantum function will do



The Anti Life Equation



 Can you tell us what Brahma is or who Brahma is?

COBRA – Brahma is one aspect of created source.  Some people call it a third aspect,the created aspect, the one that creates Universes.  (Thank you very much.)

Lynn – Did Brahma create the secondary anomaly or primary anomaly.

COBRA – No, there was no conscious being creating the primary anomaly.  The primary anomaly is the random function which just appeared as a result.  It was always there as the potential but when there was enough consciousness, that potential manifested in the Universe.  (Thank you).

Richard – If Wing-makers are the ancient humanoid race, are their creators the Annunaki?

COBRA – I will not use the concept of Anunnaki because it was again the invention of the Zecharia Sitchin.  He was an Illuminati puppet and he has spread a lot of disinformation so I would prefer not to use that word which was First wrongly translated from the Sumerians and second does not describe a genuine interest group.


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