All Conference Notes by Cobra


  • Black holes,implants and plasma anomaly is primarily cleared already.Yaldabaoth cleared in 2020.
  • A few repetitions are present due to different note taker from same conference thus similar but a few unique inputs making them work reading.



During the last Archon invasion which started at the 11th of January 1996, a negative stargate was created by subterranean nuclear explosions and particle accelerators. This energy vortex brings every remaining anomaly from the whole cosmos to Earth. The lightworkers and lightwarriors below, above and on the surface of this planet are transmutation stations of all that energy, they transform darkness. This clearing process is taking place right now.The anomaly influences human behavior




 Overview of Ascension process timeline.We have been born in this time to facilitate the removal of all darkness. Our Ascension process, both personal and planetary, is a Galactic process as well, and is part of the “great purification prophecy.” Every 225 million years our galaxy completes one rotation and approximately every 26,000 years emits a super wave or pulse from its center. We are in the initial phase of that pulse which basically clears the primary anomaly, the source and cause for all darkness.The timeline window of 50 years for this clearing of the primary anomaly and liberation of our planet we are in, extends from 1975 to 2025. In 1996 there was a major set back with the archon invasion of the Congo portal in Africa, through which infiltrated much darkness and negativity. However, on May 17, 1998 there was a significant reversal reached that cleared much of this negativity. And then during the solar eclipse on February 26 we reached a critical mass with the global meditation, which exceeded expectations and resulted in more significant reversal of that archon invasion, and clearing of the primary anomaly throughout our solar system. The the body of the Yaldaboath which is the energetic form describing the dark anomaly that existed throughout the plasma of our solar system, completely dissolved




A great plasma cloud surrounds our solar system and the Chimera group are using this to hide their plasma anomaly (darkness) inside of it.(this is dissolving or is dissolved now as previously mentioned) When the many angels and galactic beings traveled through to our solar system they got trapped inside this anomaly.This is exactly how and the reason why, many of us being here today! (exclamation mine)The three forms of matter are solid, liquid and gas. When a particular gas is heated to an extreme, it becomes an ionic gas, holding immense amounts of energy – which is plasma.The incredible abundance of cosmic plasma filaments throughout our galaxy holds the keys to free energy.




After the event these implants will be removed (as the source of negative anomalies and plasma will be dissolved)

Implant is a rotating black hole that attracts anomaly

They are energetic crystal implants that emit strong electromagnetic particles (and are connected energetically to the primary anomaly(connects us to it) that exists on the surface of the planet) 

Another aspect of the physical quarantine is in the energy field. There are still
remnants of biochips and implants. Implants are gone, and biochips are inactive. 

There are no electric communications between biochips anymore. Physical biochips are still there because they have to be removed with physical surgery or advanced technologies. They are the weakest spots of human energy field and body. Lurkers are using these to send more anomalies through them. This is why many light workers are experiencing strong head aches last few months. Since the last October, the light forces are doing whatever possible to remove all those remaining programs of quarantine.



Q. Yesterday, you mentioned some of the negative plasma implants are removed. Will
every implant in all humans be removed before the Event?

A. They have been removed. What is remaining is primary anomaly which are behind

Q. Are they in physical body?

A. No, but physical biochips are remaining. 

Q. So we are still affected by them?

A. To a degree, yes. 

Q. Ok, so there are no more etheric implants. 

A. Exactly. 




Since the recent clearing in the solar system of the Yaldaboath body, the negative anomaly within the plasma fields, the Pleiadian mother ships have been able to station themselves in areas just outside of a 12,000 km range from the surface of the earth, which is just beyond the head of the Yaldaboath which still cloaks the earth. They, for the most part, remain invisible to us and to the cabal. (although the cabal is aware of their existence and very much afraid of them)

We can make a conscious connection to the Mother Ships at any time by visualizing a pillar of Light connecting our body, through the primary anomaly that still surrounds the earth, and up to the ship.

They welcome our connecting and the more we connect to them, the more active they will become in engaging with us. Connecting with our Galactic brothers and sisters as well as with our terrestrial Light worker brothers and sisters, is helping to manifest the Event. Every time this veil is pierced, either psychically or physically, the primary anomaly dissolves more. Every time we connect our hearts and Light to the hearts and Light of others on the planet, we grow and ground the Light. Every announcement that is made my Cobra is from the 70 million Resistant Movement’s higher forces.




The problem was the Primary Anomaly. This is a quantum field no one understands.
When angels were submitted to the Primary Anomaly, the dark forces were born. They have occupied certain parts of the Galaxy. Some of them were transported from Orion to this solar system in 1996. Earth is their last fortress: the only planet left which is under their powers. 

The Galactic Superwave

The Galactic Central Sun provides energy inside and outside the Galaxy. It is the source of Light in this Galaxy and it is very strong. One of the ways it is transmitted is in the form of Tachyons. They move faster than light. They are the first matter created when the Universe was born. Tachyons do not connect to matter. They cannot be corrupted or misused for negative purposes. They transmute negative energies in positive ones. They are able to transform the Primary Anomaly and bring humanity into the new age and expanded consciousness.




The Primary anomaly behaves like Murphy’s Law. It is the logic opposite of The Source.Our human awareness is needed to dissolve it.Blissed out Masters in a cave will not resolve The Matrix. Only by being inside the mess and being consciously aware of it and being a silent witness of what is going on, we will be able to transform and dissolve the Primary Anomaly.




The Will of the Absolute descends right through the dimensions and clears the
Primary Anomaly.




The Galactic Central Sun is emanating a strong energy field. One form is tachyons which were the first matter created, and are of the highest vibration possible. Tachyons cannot be corrupted or misused for negative purposes, they transform the primary anomaly. First chamber was build 14 years ago. There is a network of developed products with tachyons. Beyond the veil felt wonderful because there were tachyons everywhere.




The Narrow Gate Web
Boston Marathon bombing
Sandy Hook

These all lie on the leyline across the globe. 

This is known as the Hassuna Samarra Vortex, and it is the entry point of Goddess energy.

Archons harvest anomaly energies of failed unions and place them in these locations
to create unrest.




Q: archons, what are they?

A: Once they were angelic beings who chose to experience the primary anomaly, but
they lost connection to Source.




Q: What is the difference between the meditations we do here and Buddhist

A: Buddhist meditations are meant to transform the primary anomaly. Our meditations
are directed towards anchoring Love and Light on the planet by conducting the divine feminine energy that is coming in from Source through ourselves onto the planet.




This is the first time in the history of the universe that the Cosmic Central race has sent signals to earth, with new energy. this specific energy signature has dissolved much of the Matrix and primary anomaly. The Event happens through us , through our bodies when new energy reaches our consciousness, which is registered in the pineal gland as an activation. This emits a specific frequency charged field in the body that bends reality around us. We become less available to the Dark Forces. The more this consciousness grows, through conscious connection with the Cosmic Central race,  the more bubbles of heaven are created.




Quantum vacuum fluctuations are also full of anomalies due to the presence of these micro black holes. A subatomic particle can indeed emerge from the quantum fluctuations of the vacuum.




Question: question about the proposed analogy of the scarf and the stone thrown on
the scarf to illustrate the anomaly? 

Answer: it is not just a problem of gravity, it
is also a problem of distortion of quantum fluctuations.




We are now talking about the spiritual perspective of the great galactic wave of light. This large galactic wave will not extend into the scalar field of the galaxy but it will appear throughout the galaxy (it does not propagate). And this is not just the case for our Galaxy. The galactic field of love will invade us. This is the anomaly that prevents this from coming to us. When enough black holes are cleared we will be able to feel this energy.This is the return of Goddess energy. In Neolithic culture this energy of the goddess was preserved.

 A Galactic Wave of Divine Light/Love is Approaching Us 

I will talk about the coming galactic wave of love. I already talked about scientific aspect of the wave, but this as an aspect of huge wave of love that will be emanated from the galactic center throughout the galaxy. Even with the huge wave, there will be no anomaly left. There are many ancient prophecies about the wave of love. There are many secret groups waiting for this. This will happen when the enough amount of anomaly is cleared. The surface of this planet is the focal point of the wave. One of the key places is Arizona, believe or not

One aspect of the coming transition is the huge wave of Love and Light from the Galactic central sun coming to the surface of the planet. When enough amount of anomaly is removed, the energy will begin to be felt. It will be felt stronger and stronger. This will assist the transition smoother, the Event proceeding much easier. Our connection with light will begin stronger as well. We will now reinforcing the connection with our higher selves. That connection will ensure the energy properly grounded the planetary energy grid.

 When enough anomaly is removed, Galactic wave of love will be felt, the Event will be smoother, our connection with our higher self will be stronger,





Black holes are the basis of dark reality.Negative emotions could not exist without black holes.

It comes from the distortions related to these black holes.

The fear experienced for more than a second is not natural. It is the same for the
physical, etheric planes, etc...

A black hole is not really a hole.

It is an area with a very massive object. So big that not even light can escape from
it. The area is outside our space-time.

With our measurement tools, it is not possible to see into a black hole.

Some scientific theories are quite close to the truth. This is the string theory. 

In black holes, strings are intertwined.

They exist in other dimensions.

There are a lot of black holes. Space-time is extremely distorted by the number of
black holes.

The quantum field is full of anomalies.

The space-time is not flat, it is distorted by the black holes.

There are rare massive quarks: strange quarks and charm quarks.

The strange quarks form the strangelet bombs.

Like top quarks, strange quarks are heavier and more dangerous. 

Chimera has the technology.

There are particle acceleration devices as large as a solar system. 

The dark forces built them on Orion and brought them to Earth. 

This prevents the Light Forces from coming to Earth.

That is why we have been isolated.

The Light Forces change the properties of the quantum field with Mjolnir. 

It is like a quantum canon that changes the nature of the quantum field. 

Black holes are an 11th dimension of strings.

 The dark forces put these black holes in our energy field.

These implants are black holes rotating in an antigravitational direction. 

Implants are not the only location of black holes. They put them in the mental,
astral and emotional bodies.

They float in the aura of human beings. This prevents certain connections in the

Every human has a damaged part of his brain. 

This is why some people cannot "wake up".

Since 1996, this black hole area has increased a lot. This is what the Forces of
Light are clarifying.

Black holes are full of matter.

The area of the Earth is full of black holes and reptilians. This has been going on
for 25 years. But we are almost there.

The black holes are evaporating. By increasing the speed of light, this evaporation
happens faster.




Anomaly: it is a distortion, something that is not aligned.
Quantum foam (quantum fluctuations) in very small spaces. You cannot see them with a microscope.If a photon is created, we can see a small point of light, emerging from the quantum field.

There is a way to align the quantum field with a device: the quantum resonator.It is not random. The Forces of Light are working to harmonize the quantum field.
Black holes distort the quantum field so much that the ships cannot manifest.
Planet Earth is known to be the most dangerous. Sane people avoid it!



Since the universe is now about to expand to its maximum, it will begin to
clear everything in  the old cycles. All darkness and anomalies must be removed.




This galactic cycle coincides with another cycle. From 1975 to 2025, the sun is aligned with the Galactic Center.  On the winter solstice of 1998, the sun sat right at the galactic plane. That was the day when transition began. Both summer and winter solstices are portals that allow the energy of the Galactic Center to come to the Earth. During this 50-year window, galactic activities will have a great impact on the solar and surface situations. Their impact will be particularly strong during this period. This is a time when many cycles are converging and influencing each other. These cycles are speeding up the clearing of darkness and anomalies.Darkness has been a big problem for the last 8 million years. This problem will be solved once and for all.





These quantum fluctuations will also prevent more Light from entering our world.Back in Orion, the Dark Forces have developed advanced technology which can gather and concentrate quantum bubbles. They used portals to transport these massive quantum bubbles to the Earth. They sent a large number of quantum anomalies to Earth from 1996 to 1999 through a portal. They spread lots of anomalies around the Earth in order to prevent more light and positive spaceships  from entering the Earth.

The advanced positive ET races use hyperspace to navigate their starships. Their ships are safe in hyperspace, but once they are manifested into normal space-time, it might not be safe for them to get close to  the Earth. they  might  be attacked by the dark forces. There have been cases that Pleiadian ships have been shot down and the Pleiadian crew members were taken as hostages.

Quantum foam anomalies cause significant flight difficulties for star races. Their ships might experience malfunctions, which can be deliberate or random.  Roswell incident is in fact a starship crashed by quantum foam anomalies.

Quantum fluctuation resonator  is a zero-point energy portal that can help clean up quantum anomalies. Its torus field can  filter the surrounding quantum space.The dark force collects quantum anomalies from all over the universe with huge quantum chambers and then projects  those anomalies around the Earth.

The space-time continuum around the Earth is very distorted and strange. Everything looks normal for us, but when you see things from the energetic planes,  you will find that the world is really  strange.  When you feel  those quantum anomalies, you will know the space-time around the Earth is not normal and distorted.

This is a Calabi–Yau manifold.This is what the space-time continuum looks like in the 11th dimension. It is a torus with a central point. This is how the universe should look like. With more quantum anomalies, this torus will be more distorted. This is not perfect yet , but for now this is already beautiful.

Subquantum anomaly  is not something we can detect with modern physics, because it is smaller than Planck constant. We  can only detect its effect on the physical plane. This  invisible force is interfering and distorting  the space-time continuum Subquantum anomaly comes from the last cosmic cycle. Occultists  call this mysterious force “the Lurker.” It is a conscious being that prefers  chaos.  The light forces are using their technology to remove the Lurker and they are making some progress.




Black hole itself is no longer a problem and will be cleared one day.Quantum and subquantum anomalies are more troublesome. The dark forces have created quantum and subquantum anomalies for millions of years. Some of those anomalies are remnants of previous  cosmic cycle.

We have to clean up all the anomalies in just a few years. We have to complete this task before galactic superwave reaches the Earth,so we don’t have much time left.   The  light forces have to speed up the cleaning process, so things will become very intense. All darkness must be removed. These anomalies affect human behavior. You may feel that human behavior has become strange in recent months.



The old society is boring. This society was set up by the dark forces in the time of Atlantis. They utilized many layers of programming such as mainstream media,implants, physical /mental trauma , anomalies, black holes, and  various means of control. However, the basic mechanism of control is the same.No matter if you live in Egypt, Taiwan or the United States, you are subjected to similar programming. The basic control programming has remained the same for hundreds of years.  This social control system is quite stable. Human body cells can store past-life memories, so those control programs are accumulated one life after another. This control  has been going on for 26,000 years.There is a better and more magnificent reality that has been suppressed. As more and more cosmic energy enters the Earth, these layers of control programming are exposed.  They are becoming more and more obvious and  visible. The COVID pandemic in the past few years  has enabled many people to see  the control programming by the dark forces. People start to feel that the world is not quite right.As the light forces remove dark control programs layer by layer, the matrix structure becomes unstable. this society becomes less and less stable. Initially,everything goes as normal and usual. Banks open normally. logistics and transportation are fine.  As the light forces begin to remove layers of control programming, people  begin to see the anomalies in this social system. Then a crisis occurs, the system must add additional protection so that it can continue to operate. The system will go back to its normal state. 




 Whenever we make a decision, our manifestation process will begin. Because there are many anomalies on the Earth, our manifestation process would not go very smoothly. There are always strange changes. When we find ourselves stuck in chaos,  when our life is full of anomalies, we must let go of these anomalies. We must stay away from chaos and anomalies and just let them pass.  The timeline will then reshape itself and bring new possibilities.The dark forces  use their technology to block our manifestation process. If the dark forces get too strong over you, it is better try not to manifest anything.  The best time for manifestation is when your mind and body are balanced  and you can completely use your free will.Whenever you encounter and want to solve a big problem, do not try to solve it  at once. You can start by solving small problems  you can handle. Doing so will create a positive resonance field  and then make things easier. When you are in a negative timeline, you can solve  small problems in your environment. In the next manifestation cycle, that problem will become easier and easier. Different things will have different cycles of manifestation.




 The physics of the quarantine is based  at a quantum (sub atomic) scale. (Cobra explained this physics in much more detail and clarity than I was able to follow and take notes of) Basically the structure of the atom i.e. electrons and nucleus is changed. Inside the quantum foam, there is a shift at the sub atomic scale. With the quantum meeting the quantum random forces (anomaly?) They are able  to manifest matter preventing light from being present or entering. Since 1996 they have transported anomaly here creating it difficult for space navigation.The Quantum anomaly in Quantum space is gathered  and shipped to earth’s  surface. The light forces are safe in hyper space but not in regular space surrounding our planet. Many Pleiadian ships are forced to shut down which is what happened in the Roswell crash.Convoluted anomaly distorts reality. This is unique to earth as we can feel the quantum anomaly. Sub quantum anomaly is not known of in main stream physics. It is undetectable and exists at the smallest level. Even smaller then planks formula which in main stream physics is the smallest particle that can possibly exist. It is an unseen force distorted in space-time reality and was generated from previous cosmic cycles.




 ATVOR are  pillars of light with a very high vibration that transforms reality on the physical and non-physical planes.This will be individual technology to remove primary anomaly and subquantum anomaly energy field

It has recently been upgraded. It is a quantum field projector, laser like, transforming the quantum anomaly near the earth.  It is used by the ascended masters for individuals and groups in their ascension process. The pillars of light will be going through our being.

To invoke ATVOR we use the following invocation.“I call upon the pillar of the pure white light to descend upon me and to form around me. I call upon the presence of the I Am That I Am. I ask  the presence of the I Am That I Am to Join and merge with me.”You can call upon this whenever guided to.

ATVOR technology was brought by the Central Race millions of years ago, and a simplified version of the Pillar of Light was used. This technology was upgraded for problematic and challenging planets to be able to permeate the cloud, and we are going to use it. It needs to be more powerful to penetrate the anomaly. It creates a protection shield and connects with the Light Forces. Practice it daily and regularly

The subquantum anomaly close to the surface is tangled with human subconsciousness, this is the last problem. ATVOR is effective for this, but it has to be the right intensity because of the human connection. The energies of ATVOR and the Violet Flame are modified, because otherwise they would be way too strong to handle.



Galactic Cintamani directly connects to GCS, it can clear quantum anomaly, it is the most powerful stone available now, and will also channel Event energy Cintamani progress: They are an important part of this planetary network of light.It is time to create a breakthrough. Anomaly that has accumulated is like a cloud around the planet and we have to dissolve this cloud. First, by individually connecting with your Higher Self via meditation. Second, through the planetary network of light, the tachyon network, and the Goddess temple network.



In short, quantum anomaly is Unpredictable. Also, Freewill is Unpredictable. Therefore, even the Light Forces do not know the exact time of the Event and how it will unfold. We are co-creating this. So what we have is a guideline or estimations, but we can not guarantee “this happens when”. We only have a general map of the whole situation.




Germain physicist Max Planck created a famous equation of the quantum field.Basically, physicists worship this equation. What it says is that nothing can befaster than light. They also say nothing can smaller than planck length. But theyare wrong. Pleiadians understand there is something smaller than planck length. And,that something smaller can not be detected directly by any mean. There is something smaller than that has effect on the quantum field. And, that affects everything, even to the universe. This “something smaller” is called sub-quantum anomaly.

Sub-quantum anomaly is basically smaller than quantum foam. Light forces have a quite advanced technology to control this quantum anomaly, which is called “Hammer of Thor”, of Mjölnir. With this, they have cleared a lot of quantum anomaly already. But the problem is the sub-quantum anomaly, which can not be detected directly, so they cannot be cleared directly. We can only clear them indirectly.

So, Light forces use the Mjolnir to clear the quantum field again and again, so the sub-quantum anomaly are cleared as well. Sub-quantum anomaly itself is not evil. It is just a random sub-quantum field that blocks the liberation process. It is like thick fog. Dark forces are using their technologies to accumulate these quantum and sub-quantum anomaly and use them especially after 1996. After the Archon invasion in 1996, they brought all these anomalies as much as possible toward the planet earth. So, there is a huge amount of irrational things on this planet, and we are immersed in this anomaly swamp.

When enough amount of this is cleared, the light forces will pull the trigger of the Event. I will be speaking about logistics of the Event tomorrow. Now, I am speaking of physical perspectives. Enough of this anomaly (entropy) is cleared, the Event will happen because that sub-quantum anomaly is becoming like Murphy’s Law. "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong." Human freewill is much involved in this process.Sub-quantum anomaly is not just an empty anomaly.

Actually, they are the beings from the previous cosmic cycle. When the previous cosmic cycle was ending, the universe was contracting that led to the Big Bang. They tried to survive in the singularity, and only way to survive through the singularity was to go into the sub-quantum anomaly. They have developed this advanced technology in the previous cosmic cycle that they have plunge their consciousness into sub-quantum anomaly.

They have managed to survive singularity of the big bang but something happened during that process. Because there was extremely huge energy was condensed into a small matter, those beings have been extremely traumatized. They have also lost their individuality. They have merged into a morphless being called Lurker. That being is still existing in the sub-quantum space. As subquantum anomaly is being cleared,these etheric beings are also cleared. It can be stated that these beings are evil,but it is more problematic that they are extremely traumatized, extremely angry.

They need to be liberated. But as we have no much time left, all darkness and those beings will be cleared, that will resolve all. So, in a way, we are not just clearing what just looks like, but we are fighting cosmic battle and clearing cosmic Karma from previous cosmic cycle.

From human perspective, this process is going extremely slow, taking too much time.But from the cosmic perspective, this process is happening extremely fast. Huge amount of cosmic anomaly is being cleared incredibly fast. Huge amount of very complex situation has been resolved in last decades. All the problems with toplet bombs are resolved in May, which has been a huge problem for the Light forces for millions of years. So, from the cosmic perspective, we are extremely close to liberation. This is the reason the light forces say “it will happen very soon”. It is their perspective. (audience laughter) Here, we are almost in frozen time. One month we feel here is like infinity to them.

Various structures of all sub-atomic particles are being aligned and harmonized right now as more and more anomalies being cleared. This is something called Calabi-Yau Manifold. It is multi-dimensional structure which describe all forms according to the string theory. More and more primary anomaly gets cleared, more and more it will be cleared. So, we are not only clearing primary anomaly or clearing physical plane, but we are clearing all the multi-dimensional being.

So what we are experiencing is not just anti-madness, we are experiencing a cosmic transition. Quantum world is not visible, but it affects directly our being. So, if enough of subquantum anomaly will be cleared, your life begins to feel lighter because all the density of etheric and astral plane being cleared, your life will soon be brighter. And, shortly after that, the Event will happen.

Nobody here know the exact amount of subquantum anomaly that we have to clear. Even Light forces do not know. They have their own theory of measuring this, and as far as they know, there is less and less amount of these anomalies. But it is not possible to know exact timing of the Event. Light forces also can not predict the exact behavior of surface population because there is freewill involved. Sometimes Light forces are surprised of some of the decisions that people made. I would say they can predict about 80 percent of the behavior but 20 percent surprise them.

We are unable to predict, for example, the Dark forces released Rigel in Orion chose the Earth as their main fortress. They have not expected so much infighting with the light workers. And as they only have galactic experience, they only have a little bit of understanding what human beings went through. Also, many of them were traumatized during the galactic war. Some of us were traumatized last few decades liberating the solar system. So both the light forces’ trauma and and the trauma of light workers on the surface delay the situation. So the progress is not taking place perfectly, but we still have progress and it will be resolved soon.


Q. We are all born with the astrological signs meaning we are made of the cosmic light. So how can we use the light within us to transform the quantum anomaly?

A. There is no direct connection between astrological signs and quantum anomaly because quantum anomaly is not predicted. It is random. About the clearing the anomaly, there is a certain protocol but it is not the timing to release this yet. If we use it, people get crazy so I will not disclose this yet. I would say we are not ready for this yet. When the situation is ready, and when people are ready, I will talk about it.




 Q. I have a question about the subquantum anomaly. You were mentioning those beings survived the contraction of last cosmic cycle. so they tried to survive the process of becoming Oneness, but as a result, they got so traumatized. And this time, as the universe is contracting again, how will the Galactic forces will survive?

A. Those beings went through the maximum state of contraction. Now we are in the
maximum expansion. So now we don’t have a problem. When we reach the point of the maximum expansion and begins to contract, it would be easier to survive. The moment of Big Bang, the beginning of the cycle of the universe, is much more difficult to survive. And those beings were not spiritually evolved enough. They did not have enough awareness of becoming the One. They were afraid of death of the soul.




 What is anomaly?

Plank found the equation to describe quantum the smallest thing, and that is
worshiped by the scientists, but they are wrong

Pleiadean: something smaller than plank length does exist and called subquantum
anomaly (SQA) and affects the field.

Light Forces has technology to harmonize quantum field – the Mjolnir. 

A lot of Quantum Anomaly had been cleared already, problem is the SQA which cannot be detected and cleared directly; Light Forces use Mjolnir to clear quantum field and thus SQA also being cleared SQA is not evil, it’s a field slow down and block the liberation process, like a thick fog or mud slow you down.the Dark Forces use their technology to accumulate QA and SQA, after 1996 they brought as much as QA as they can to planet Earth, now huge amount of QA and SQA in Earth
SQA influence our energy field, our emotion, action; whenever enough of the SQA is  cleared, LF will receive message to trigger the Event

SQA is like the law of murphy

SQA is not just an empty anomaly, actually these were beings in the last cosmiccycle, when the cycle was ending the universe collapse and then the big bang, SQAsurvived that, those being in the last cycle had advanced technology to push theirspirit into the SQA; during the big bang, those beings were traumatised, they wereangry and ……, they had lost their individuality and merged as lurker, exiting inSQA; when clear the SQA, that being is cleared.Lurker will be resolved; we are clearing the Dark Forces and darkness from the last cosmic cycle.




The final tsunami will wash away all the remaining anomaly. And the humanity as a race will be evacuated and escorted to a new planet in the Pleiadian star system. Humanity will not be intervened by the dark forces, and basic needs are provided, so they will begin to have more peaceful experiences and possibilities for more spiritual growth.


Q. I have a light worker friend who has a memory back in the spaceship. She asked for a permission and came back to the earth reincarnated. I want to know if it is real memory or not. I also want to know if light workers goes to etheric plane now, are they 100 percent awaken and know our mission, and reincarnate and come back to here again? And also, what is the difference between Earth originated soul and Starseed? Are they still subjected to Chimera from etheric plane?

A. Etheric plane is mostly cleared. There is still bit of subquantum anomaly left but that is about it. What is the other part of the question? You have to be very clear when you ask your questions.


Birth of Lurker and the Duality

There is an entity which was created at the beginning of time. In the first cosmic cycle, the first universe was born. When the time started, it was the moment when the Source began to realize there is something else apart from the Source exist.This is something called primary anomaly. The source has decided to project a part of itself into that primary anomaly to understand it and to dissolve it.So you might say one aspect of the Source was projected from the Source into the primary anomaly. This is how the first Lurker was created. you might say the first lurker was one aspect of the Source which separated from the source became the primary anomaly, and this is how the Duality was created.This Primary Duality was a separation between the Source and Primary anomaly. This is the beginning of the story between Light and Darkness. This story is now coming to the conclusion. Since the beginning of the first cosmic cycle, the Source was learning and understanding more and more about primary anomaly. There were many Try and Error, experiences. The source has projected many parts of itself as individual beings or personalities who are experiencing various parts of the creations in various part of the universe in various cosmic cycles.Some of those individual consciousness have decided to dissolve the sub-quantum anomaly. Those are the subsequent Lurkers which exist beyond space and time, and beyond cosmic cycles, in the shadows. It was long known that this will all be resolved in the year 2000. So in 1996, the dark forces decided to provoke and manifest all the darkness. This was the moment the Lurker came out of its shadows and show itself in the universe. The dark forces are using Lurker to full extent, to delay the liberation as long as possible.The majority of the anomaly has dissolved and removed already. All the Lurkers except for the first one were already dissolved. What we are dealing with is a Primary Lurker. The aspect of it was originally separated from the Source itself. So we are starting to dissolve the primary duality.The doorway of 11:11 open between 1992-2011 was an energetic preparation for this planet and whole universe to finally deal with that primary Lurker/Duality. You might want to say ending of the Duality between Light and Dark is from the Source.The source projected itself into the primary anomaly, and that part got lost in primary anomaly. So it became Evil. You might say this is the Primary Evil.Primary Evil, or Primary Lurker, is using quantum fluctuations to influence the whole universe from the quantum plane. You might say that anomaly can not be detected within space and time that uses the quantum anomaly as our disadvantages.This is the origin of the Murphy’s law. It is not just an urban legend, but it is a actual force which tend to push the events to the negative timeline. It is the Lurker using the quantum field to distract and divert the timeline to negative way.The reason for this is that Lurker is quantumly entangled with whole universe. So The Lurker is quantumly entangled with physical, etheric, astral, mental universe and everything. Concentration of the darkness is of course, is highest on the surface of the planet. It is less concentrated in the solar system and much much less in beyond the solar system. But on the surface of the planet, we can experience the quantum entanglement quite strongly.At this point, most of the life experience is from the quantum entanglement of Lurker. Most of the negative events happened on you without any apparent reason are engineered by Lurker. Most of unprocessed negative emotions which is not from trauma, is actually from Lurker because Lurker is quantumly entangled with your emotional body.Most of mental confusion and misunderstandings is not because your brain is not sharp enough or something like that. It is because the quantum entanglement with Lurker. On the surface of the planet, Lurker’s interaction is quite strong.


The most of your experience with people with not positive nature is because their consciousness is trapped and entangled Lurker or subquantum anomaly.What is important to understand the Event can happen when the vast majority of anomaly being removed. Or it can go all wrong. Human beings need to be free from this to a great degree. Without their interference, you can think clearly and straight, be calm enough, and do not do the stupid things when the Event happens.The cabal is just a small group. The leaders are just 200 people. The whole illuminati group is maybe 2 million people. But they are not the main problem. We have maybe a half billion people who could create troubles when the Event happens.People can go crazy and sabotage. We have seen much of crazy behaviors past years.People are freaking out for no reason. But they are freaking out because of Lurker.A lot of this anomaly cleared, the Event happens and enough people are calm, so the critical mass of the Light present, and the mass arrest happens, but we have no larger side effects.For this reason, Light forces are waiting for the right moment for the drastic physical actions. But if they do this now, it will be a complete mess. There will not be nuclear war, but a complete mess energetically and physically. A lot of electricity will be shut down, people have to survive without electricity, water,food. It will be Gaza all over the world. It is not recommended at this point.First, enough anomaly has to be removed. If enough amount of anomaly is removed,everything can go smoothly. Maybe not everything, but Light forces can make full physical actions.But before that happens, Light forces cannot contact any light worker because the dark forces will retaliate.




What is happening in quantum level is the light forces are using the “Hammer of Thor”, of Mjölnir technology to dissolve subquantum anomaly. They are now bombarding the earth with quantum cannons. These cannons can dissolve subquantum anomalies all the time, even as I speak right now. each time anomaly get dissolved, lurker lose its power.But Mjölnir right now is maybe at 5% in its intensity. About few weeks ago, light forces was experimenting things and they turn the volume up until 20%. So it allowed the very beautiful energy in the air for few hours. Then Lurker was completely freaking out, and they engineered drastic attacks. So it was found out that the safe range is between 5-7% in intensity. But the light forces are gradually increasing the volume of intensity to accelerate the removal of subquantum anomaly.

End of the Darkness 

Even to our perspective, “very shortly” the Source can begin to intervene directly the situation because the Source has enough understanding of the primary anomaly, and begins to dissolve the primary Lurker directly.This is the real end of the Duality. This is the very end of the separation between Light and Darkness. We are a part of Lurker, and we are a part of the Source. Lurker once was the Source, it become the Source again. The duality ceases to exist. The darkness ceases to exist anymore




Q. If I used the power of ley lines to obtain the power of materialization, would that eliminate the Subquantum anomaly?

A. Just connect to your higher self.

Q. Is there a difference between humans and aliens in terms of IQ?

A. Beyond the quarantine, the average IQ is 140. Nobody has IQ of below 120. There are extraterrestrial races who have 160 or more because they were not subjected mind programming, negative technologies, and anomaly.


Physical Scalar Matrix

I was speaking of the primary anomaly or Lurker who hold the quarantine. If enough of them are removed, light forces can begin to physically intervene. The physical intervention means the physical appearance of light ships in the sky. I am not speaking of a moving point of light, but spaceships visible in the sky. They will be really clearly visible like a car. When enough anomaly is removed, this is going to happen. The beginning of the end of quarantine.One aspect of the quarantine is the physical scalar matrix. This is a network of dark technologies which are based on electromagnetic scalar fields. They can influence both earth magnetic field and the magnetic field of human brain


Q. I've been seeing a lot of cloudships lately, is this a result of the Light Forces clearing?

A. Yes, they are more active in the atmosphere as there is less concentration of anomaly.

Q. Lately, I have been seeing military aircraft in the sky a lot. Can you explain what is going on?

A. The military is wary of cloudships. Because some of them are real ships.


This toroidal field looks exactly like the Quantum Fluctuation Resonator.It is the same shape as the light body. It is the toroidal energy field with the double spirals going in different directions to the same central stargate inside.This toroidal field is activating the light body by activating the toroidal harmonic scalar field around your body. It raises your kundalini energy and manifestation energy. This principle is used to inter dimensional space travel, and bring the energy into physical.The toroidal field harmonizes the quantum fluctuation and clear subquantum anomaly.This is why it is important to connect with your soul. This connection reduces the subquantum anomaly around you, and it makes your life more harmonic. And the Tachyonized Quantum Fluctuation Resonator can be used as a tool for the same usage before you activate your own light body.


There is still a huge amount of primary anomaly. The subquantum anomaly is blocking the flow of light from the outside to the surface of our planet. It is encasing our planet like a huge cloud. Our goal is to make a breakthrough in this cloud of anomaly to finally let the Age of Aquarius be born. The individual connection with the light is constantly growing and expanding, to network that light to the planetary network of light.



blocking the manifestation is subquantum and quantum anomaly.

The factors against manifesting, or why is it taking a long time, include: If other people are not aligned with your decision, other people's decisions, the dark forces, the anomaly, it takes time. Most people will not be happy, so don’t talk about it to others, be silent, until you have some results. 

The dark forces touch people around you to block you.You can do as many manifestation processes as you like. If you are in the flow, itis a magnetic manifestation and it’s easier. Ask your Higher Self what do you wantto manifest? Manifestation of the Ascension process is an example of what we canmanifest.




Here is a diagram of the movement of Pluto into Aquarius. Pluto was in Capricorn since last few decades. The purpose of Pluto in Capricorn is to bring the surface all the suppressed anomaly and distortions of the old society and old system. We have been exposed to very huge purifications in financial and political systems on the planet last few decades. Now this process has been completed. Corruptions in political system have been exposed. Child trafficking networks have been exposed.Bankers’ been exposed.We are now in the process as Pluto exits Capricorn and entered in Aquarius. This process has started already last year. On 23 march last year, Pluto entered in Aquarius for a short period of time, and it gave just a taste of what to come. And then Pluto exited Aquarius on June and entered Capricorn, where we had a huge disclosure.




This is another interpretation of the quantum fluctuation or quantum field. The problem of quantum fluctuation on the surface of the planet is that there is anomaly hidden in it. There is so much anomaly on this planet. The primary anomaly has not been created consciously, but it randomly emerged in the quantum field. When the consciousness is involved in the primary anomaly, it tends to be evil.The highest concentration of anomaly is on the surface of the planet. This is what the dark forces use as the main stronghold. They have brought as much anomaly as possible from other parts of the galaxy, especially from Orion system in 1996. It has been accumulated since then.For this reason, it is important for light workers to build the light grid to counteract the primary anomaly. By using especially galactic cintamani stones, it can counteract the primary anomaly.Primary anomaly does not exist only within quantum fluctuation. Another interpretation of the same thing, which is more realistic. This shows how often the primary anomaly encounters us on the surface of the planet. As you see, this is not beautiful, but more like chaotic.The problem with that primary anomaly is that they exist only in quantum form, much smaller scale than the physical plane, or plunk constant. That means there is no scientific possible way to determine what is existing on the subquantum length. No matter how advanced science and technology we have, we are unable to determine what exists in there because the law of physics prevents it.Only thing that can be observed is the influence from subquantum field to quantum field. This is what light forces can see. They cannot measure exactly the subquantum anomaly, but they can calculate and predict it with the amount and shape of it to a degree. That is all they can do. This is the reason why light forces were surprised that many times. They came to remove the darkness of the planet, and it did not happen for that reason. This is the main reason why they do not give us the day of the Event. This is why the planet is shaking all the time. it is because the quantum anomaly which is shaking all the time.The subquantum field already existed since the beginning of the Time, but it is being gradually resolved. Even after the Event and polar shift, little amount of the subquantum anomaly will still exist. But, it will not fully influence our life because there will not be enough amount to maintain darkness. The end of darkness,or the end of evil, is actually the end of huge amount of subquantum anomaly.Birth of Lurker and the Evil In the beginning of Time, or the first cosmic cycle, the Source has decided to dissolve subquantum anomaly. So the Source decided to project itself into the subquantum anomaly, and this is where Lurkers were born. The Lurkers were projected by the Source.They came into subquantum anomaly to become evil because the interaction was so traumatic, that particular beings were no longer able to comeback from the dark side. That was the beginning of the evil.The most of the potentiality of the evil in the past cosmic cycles was not expressed little. It existed, but not fully expressed to create a result.In this cosmic cycle, the evil need to be removed completely. The evil manifested strongly, I would say since last 7 million years, when many arch angels decided to descend into matter to dissolve the primary anomaly. They went into matter to remove the implants that was delivered by the lurker and subquantum anomaly.To most of those who were implanted, the process was too strong and many lost their connections with higher selves. That was the beginning of the dark forces in Orion. Most of that has been resolved, but there is still residue of the dark forces on the surface of the planet.Most of them are from Andromeda galaxy, but most of them are removed already. Chimera group, most of reptilians have been removed. There is few presences of draconians, and there are some cabal on the surface. So we are in the final phase of the clearing of all the darkness. There have been a lot of progress in last two weeks. I will talk about the progress in next week that I would be able to talk about.There are a lot of progresses and we have learned a lot about how lurkers are operating and how to diminish the amount of subquantum anomaly. But some quantum anomaly has tendency to hide. This is why they are called Lurker.




By taking risk and gaining experiences, we conquer fear. And we will dissolve the quantum anomaly.



 Primary Anomaly and Lurker

On the subquantum level, all things are connected, or all creation is connected. No such things as distance. This is the reason why subquantum anomaly can attack surface of the planet from nowhere. Light forces are sending light to the surface to help the transition. But what is necessary is to anchor that light on the physical plane, and then the breakthrough can happen.What is happening in subquantum field is 11th dimension reality exist in physical plane and non-physical plane in the shape of torus. The torus is called Calabi-Yau manifold. This is the structure of reality. When this torus gets more harmonious,more anomaly gets dissolved and harmonized. As you see, this is not harmonized enough. So light needs to anchor on the surface to create a breakthrough.




The other aspect of this is the light forces’ technology called Mjolnir, or hammer of Thor. It is a quantum cannon that emits very strong directed quantum field in quantum level to transmute the quantum and subquantum anomaly. They are also using this technology to the tektites for their anchor points. So, our tektites are actually transmuting quantum and subquantum anomaly.Galactic Cintamani is super powerful for transmuting and removing the anomaly. And then, the light forces will activate those tektites in incremental quantum set. Those of who carry the tektites might have noticed that their stones are getting more powerful. There were already activations, and they are more powerful than they were.Tektites are insertion points of higher reality, or higher dimension, to the surface of the planet. This is exactly how the quarantine gets dissolved. Higher energy brought from other star systems and other races will dissolve the quarantine through the tektites as anchor points.




Q. How should light workers protect themselves from primary anomaly?

A. Main thing is to connect with your higher self. More you connect to your higher self, the more you are protected.



 The problem is there is too much anomaly on the surface, and tiny fraction of light can reach you on physical plane. Another problem is, when light forces try to help you in your life situation, there are other human beings. Those human beings,unfortunately, have their free will. And unfortunately, there are vast majority of people with free will who are against the light. a very few human beings are guided into the light. Thats why sometimes light forces fails their operations. There are people who do not want to corporate with them. I know this is a very frustrating situation for both light forces and light workers.Some people felt healed, and some people felt nothing. There are various experiences that shows ATVOR is more effective if we are in nature, away from artificial things around. It is easier for you to be in nature and invoke your soul to intervene the situation or problem you are having. There are simply to so much anomaly, especially anomaly connected with Lurker accumulating inside your shadow. When they are cleared, ATVOR will be much more effective.



Q. Dark forces are able to operate anomaly with their technologies, and why light
forces cannot do the same technology to cancel out the effect?

A. Technologies dark forces are using are different. They are more clue and somehow work better with anomaly than what light forces have. But the technology of light forces can work better in etheric quantum subspace. Technologies of dark forces are using resources for the surface of the planet, and their spaceships and whatever technologies they are using have very little operational ratio beyond solar system. 




The light forces and the Source will clear the quantum entanglement between the surface population and the Lurker. They will also eliminate sub-quantum anomalies in humans.Our human body, mind, and spirit are currently intertwined with subquantum anomalies. The Light Forces are helping us clear these subquantum anomalies from our entire being.

These clearing operations have exposed more negative things When  subquantum anomalies are being cleared, Some people act strangely. Things that were previously unseen will start to be revealed gradually.




Emeralds contain trace amounts of chromium and vanadium. The Light Forces are currently using the chromium in emeralds to clear quantum anomalies.


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