Clear Subquantum Anomaly Meditation


The Violet-Flame was chosen because:


 Many lightworkers are already familiar with the violet flame


It's most effective for clearing subquantum anomaly

  • 9/15/23- "You can help clearing the subquantum anomaly most effectively with the violet flame:

 Which is the backbone/core aspect of the veil/matrix existing at the absolute most fundamental and deepest layer of reality:

It acts as a fog blocking our connection to the buddhic/soul plane which is where our true self resides:


The anomaly is the source of all darkness,evil,negativity:

Inside this anomaly is the entity which all darkness leads back to and is orchestrated from:

All beings of light on earth are actually here to remove this anomaly which will initiate the cosmic ascension:

This meditation is the ultimate solution to everything, without anomaly the multiverse will finally be at peace with all darkness removed forever.

The subquantum anomaly is the main block to the liberation of earth which is the precursor to the ascension:


If we use the power of the violet flame and the octagon shape we can maximize the efficiency of anomaly removal:

The Meditation Idea Proposed:


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to remove all subquantum anomaly on earth triggering true divine intervention and liberation of humanity.

3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light.


4. Visualize a violet octagonal pillar of transmuting fire coming through the Cosmic central sun, then going through our Galactic Central Sun, then through our solar system, then through all star families and angels, finally anchoring into humanity, Agartha and our planets core.

5. Receive and experience this violet octagonal pillar of transmuting fire,

-being fully supported by Archangel Zadkiel & Saint Germain.

-transmuting all subquantum anomaly.

-disentangling all tentacles of the lurker from humanity.


-clearing all of humanities trauma's and entity related attachments

-restoring humanities source connection with the soul plane and triggering the liberation of earth through divine intervention

Victory of The Light!

P.S.-After finishing this article a Junebug flew into my house:



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